
My name is Karl. I live in Basel, Switzerland.
Born in '87, music has always been a big part of my life. When I was young, I always wanted to play drums. Because we used to live in a flat I once decided to buy an electric guitar, I was about 16. I taught myself, that was hard in the beginning, but I joined several bands soon. Years later I took lessons for a few months to get rid of my rude techniques. As time went by, I started playing other guitars and drums too. 
For me, writing songs and creating my own sounds are the most important parts in music. Because I am self-taught I have the freedom to play and create unrestrictively. Another important thing in jamming is, to listen to others first. I think that the electric guitarist's job is to add the very last bit to an artwork.

Here's a little overview about my recent and former musical engagements:

Main former engagements:

- Rhythm Guitarist for The Cabinet
- Electric guitars on Amy Savin & Laura Osburn Europe Tour 2012
- 2011 LP-release of my solo project schiffBRUCH called "Momentaufnahmen mit Langzeitbelichtung"
studio and tour guitarist for thePlessing 2013 - 2014
- Songwriter and electric guitarist Flesh Garden 2006 - 2008
- Electric guitars for All Around
- Electric guitars, drums, bass, acoustic guitars for Worship at Lindenwiese church, Ueberlingen

Main recent activities:

- Electric guitars at ICF church, Basel

Main musical influences:

Just to name a few - Jim Adkins, Ben Gowell, Aaron Gillespie, Teppei Teranishi, The Edge, Tim McTague, Matt Pryor, Chuck Ragan, Cody Bonnette...

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